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Catholic Charities Child Care Programs are celebrating Lights On 2018 on October 25th with special activities to draw attention to the importance of after school child care. In America today, 11.3 million children are alone and unsupervised after school. After school programs keep kids safe, help working families and inspire learning.
At Phillipsburg Primary and Early Childhood Learning Center, its "All Aboard For Lights On" - Train Ride with Parents! Willow Grove will host,"Three days of Lights", a Poster Contest, and STEM awareness activities with children and parents. At Hatchery Hill, It Lights On For Halloween and the Fall season as parents join children in their games and activities.
More than one million people will participate in the more than 8,000 events that make up the 19th annual Lights On Afterschool. For more than 30 years, Catholic Charities has provided affordable, quality child care to familes and the community. #LightsOnAfterSchool2018