The Mobile Family Success Center of Middlesex County (MFSC) hosted their first Building
Strong Families: Community Baby Shower on Saturday, July 28th from 11-3pm at the Edison Senior Center. The goal of the program was to make contact with first time parents or parents with a child less than one year of age to help them to not only raise a healthy child, but a healthy family.
With the support of the community and volunteers, MFSC received numerous donations for the event to support its mission to strengthen families and was able to provide six targeted workshops along with access to valuable resources. Approximately 100 attendees participated in the Community Baby Shower where they received parent-to-be bags filled with new pacifiers, diapers, baby wipes, books, and a copy of MFSC August calendars. Families had the opportunity to interact with various community providers that focused on health & wellness, including car seat safety, and parental support. Attendees reported they were very satisfied with the Community Baby Shower and expressed hope the program would continue.
The Mobile Family Success Center of Middlesex County is operated by Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, and administered by the Middlesex County Human Services Advisory Committee with funding from the Department of Children and Families. Please visit or call 732-387-1220 for more information.