Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen’s Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) Teams delivered holiday meals to their consumers in New Brunswick, Perth Amboy and East Brunswick, NJ just in time for Thanksgiving.
Although the Annual Thanksgiving Feast held by the Catholic Charities' Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT ) Team in East Brunswick was cancelled this year, it did not stop PACT consumers from enjoying some tasty holiday cuisine. Thirty-five consumers on the East Brunswick PACT Team were presented with a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner including all the trimmings prepared and delivered by the East Brunswick PACT Team staff.
All the meals were carefully prepared and delivered in accordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines. Consumers who previously had no way to celebrate or cook their own Thanksgiving turkey themselves were able to delight in a traditional and delicious meal to the pallet. Additionally, eight appreciative PACT consumers received their very own frozen turkey, which was donated by St. Mary's Church and Memorial VFW Post 133 in East Brunswick.
The Catholic Charities' Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) program is guided by the principal that individuals with mental illness, even those with the most impaired functioning, can reside in normal settings in the community if adequate supports and services are provided. PACT teams in Perth Amboy, New Brunswick and East Brunswick work with consumers to promote appropriate self-management of symptoms, enhance quality of life, prevent unnecessary psychiatric hospitalizations, and maximize independence and community integration. Catholic Charities provided more than 20,000 hours of support to PACT consumers last year in Middlesex County.