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The Hunterdon County Children’s Inter-Agency Coordinating Council (CIACC) is composed of providers, caregivers and youth residing within the county. The council meets monthly to discuss trends and gaps in services within the county. Hunterdon County CIACC serves as a mechanism to advise the New Jersey Department of Children and Families on the development and maintenance of a responsive, accessible, and integrated system of care for children, youth and young adults with emotional and behavioral challenges and their families.
The membership of the CIACC shall reflect a partnership among county agencies, families/caregivers, consumers, children, youth and young adults, community-based organizations, informal supports, and other agencies providing services. Membership is open to the public. If you wish to become a member or attend a meeting, please contact Gregor Thomas, LCSW at 908-782-7905.
If your child is in immediate need of mental or behavioral health services please call PerformCare at: (877) 652-7624
Flemington Family Service Center
6 Park Ave
Phone: 908-782-7905
Fax: 908-782-5934