Catholic Charities’ child care programs respond to 104 year old Marine’s special plea for valentine wishes.
Catholic Charities’ Child Care Site Supervisor Jenelle Clauson read a Facebook post about a 104 year old Marine’s special plea for Valentine’s Wishes. Ms. Clauson gathered her colleagues at Hatchery Hill Elementary School and organized a project for the kids in the Catholic Charities’ after school child care program to respond to the oldest living Marine’s request. Major Bill White, a World War II Veteran and Purple Heart recipient shared his wish during an interview with Sacramento’s KTXL-TV, and the request went viral. He told the television hosts that one of his favorite hobbies is scrapbooking, which has helped him to keep track of his extensive life. Now he wanted to add some valentine cards to his collection of mementos.
Once word got out about Major White’s request, staff and children from Benedict A. Cucinella Elementary School and Willow Grove Elementary School joined with Hatchery Hill and together they sent three large envelopes full of hand-made valentine cards and wishes to honor Major White and to bring love and joy to the retired Marine. “We are so thrilled about the response we received from the school district”, said Child Care Service Area Director Krista Glynn, adding “The staff and children were so excited to send their love and support to Major White, and we are all reminded of how important it is to provide recognition to those who have served our country.”
Last year, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen provided affordable child care for 1500 children in select school districts in Middlesex, Morris, Somerset and Warren Counties. For more information about Catholic Charities’ child care programs, visit .