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Mayor Cahill has served the City of New Brunswick as mayor since 1991 and Sister Michaelita, Program Director at Catholic Charities Social Service Center, Phillipsburg, has served Warren Basic Material Needs program for 25 years. Both were recognized for their exemplary work and servant leadership. Bishop James F. Checchio of the Diocese of Metuchen thanked donors at the event for their generosity and impressed upon them the good work Catholic Charities is able to accomplish in the Diocese of Metuchen. “Among our proudest accomplishments in this diocese is what we do to support and promote the work of Catholic Charities as, together, we serve as a beacon of hope for those who are most in need. This important ministry of our local Church helps us to see the face of Christ in every person we encounter; and, through this personal encounter, we are able to share in God’s unending love and mercy for all those He has entrusted to us. Thanks to all our ‘Champions for Catholic Charities,’ we are able to continue this extraordinary work,” he said.
Both honorees had high praises for Catholic Charities. Sister Michaelita accepted her award on behalf of Catholic Charities staff and volunteers who she called champions, for striving each and every day at the Philipsburg Social Service Center. She also thanked donors, who through their generous in kind and monetary resources provide food and clothing for basic material needs. “Together, we make a significant difference in easing the burden of poverty in Warren County,” she said.
Mayor Cahill reflected upon the more than three billion dollars of redevelopment and revitalization projects in New Brunswick made possible through a history of partnerships over the past 25 years. Upon accepting his award, the mayor quoted Mahatma Gandhi, “The value of a society is measured by how well it treats its weakest members. “ He added “Our revitalization efforts in the city of New Brunswick are really never about the buildings that are built, but are about providing opportunity for those that they serve; about creating jobs, creating homes for people of all income levels, providing healthy lifestyles and better access to healthcare, and continuing our city’s 300+ year history as a welcoming port of entry to those new to our country, providing a home and an opportunity for a better life, “ adding “There is no more caring and dedicated, creative and resourceful partner to work with in service to those in need, than Catholic Charities.“
The Champions Dinner supports the work of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen. It is through donations and sponsorships, that Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen is able to provide warm beds for the homeless, food for the hungry, emergency aid for disaster victims, help for families in crisis, and other services. Last year, Catholic Charities served 54,000 people through 103 programs in Diocesan counties of Hunterdon, Middlesex, Somerset and Warren. To learn more about the work of Catholic Charities, view our annual report .