Most professionals will tell you it is not advisable to let school children go to an empty home where there is no supervision. Fortunately, today many parents have the option of placing their child in an afterschool program. Offered at schools, churches, and other places,afterschool programs are important for children, their families and their communities. They can have a major impact on the lives of children, give parents peace of mind, and keep communities safe. Afterschool programs provide activities, food, and a safe space where children can learn and grow. They are a great resource for parents who need to work later than the end of the school day or for enrichment purposes. Indeed, afterschool programs are so needed that in October 2000, Lights On Afterschool was launched. It is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs. Organized by the Afterschool Alliance, the program strives to send a powerful message that millions more kids need quality afterschool programs. Last month Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen Afterschool Programs joined with more than 9,000 communities across the country to celebrate Lights On Afterschool 2022 sponsored by Afterschool Alliance. Programs all over celebrate the event every year in an effort to bring light to the importance of afterschool programming for children across the United States. Catholic Charities afterschool programs hosted a variety of events and activities inviting both school personnel and families. Children made light bulbs, had glow in the dark parties, decorated posters, and highlighted what they liked about afterschool to name a few. “After a couple of difficult years, our afterschool programs have been a constant support for families struggling to get back to some normalcy. These types of celebrations are just a small piece of all the hard work the childcare staff put in each and every day to support the children and families in their schools. This speaks to our mission at Catholic Charities and the effort to provide a safe and supportive environment for the children we serve”, said Krista Glynn, Service Area Director. Catholic Charities currently serves approximately 650 school age children across four counties. For more information on the child care services offered at Catholic Charities visit For more information about Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen, please visit LIKE & Follow Us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @ccdom1 to stay updated on upcoming events and ways we help clients get the services and assistance they need. ***Workman is the Communications Specialist in the Office of Communications and Public Relations***