The Catholic Charities Youth Partial Care program and Mobile Family Success Center spent World Suicide Prevention Day hosting a booth at Brady’s Walk in Old Bridge, NJ.
At the end of each week in YPC, one program participant is awarded Shining Star of the Week in recognition of all the hard work they have been putting into their treatment.
Allow your child to start school at their emotional best by initiating Mobile Response and Stabilization Services with Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen.
This program transports children daily and the need to be skilled in both areas is very important. Visitation is a vital service in all four counties of our Diocese and it affords families to visit in a safe environment while working with the Department of Child Protection.
Attention! Attention! Mobile Family Success Center September 2023 calendar is out. Mark your calendars for free activities, events, and workshops for the entire family. Looking forward towards seeing you soon.