“We are pleased to partner with programs like MCERAP that enable Catholic Charities to help families to recover from hardships caused by the pandemic,” said Executive Director Julio Coto. “It is programs like these that help us fulfill our mission, and are reflective of our core values to prevent homelessness and keep families together, ” he added.
In the Ordination Rite of Deacons, the Bishop prays the following prayer. "Oh God, who taught your ministers of the Church to seek not to be served but to serve their brothers and sisters". That prayer solidifies the ministry of service as a major pillar in the ministry of all deacons. With that service objective in mind, with the help of the Holy Spirit, Deacon Sam Costantino founded the Deacons' Table during the latter part of 2013 and began serving dinners to brothers and sisters in need of a nourishing meal beginning in 2014.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen received a second donation from the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Matthew the Apostle Parish, Edison, NJ. A member of their conference, Mary McKenzie Hayes delivered the food and gift cards to the Edison Family Service Office
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen (CCDOM) held a luncheon on June 27th to honor volunteers at the Willows in Asbury, NJ. Thirty-five volunteers attended the celebration. The volunteers generously give of their time and talent at the Catholic Charites Social Service Center and Thrift Store that are co-located at 387 South Main Street in Phillipsburg, NJ. Program Director, Sister Michaelita Popovice opened the festivities by quoting Radio Talk Show Host, Bernard Meltzer, “There is no better exercise for your heart, than reaching down and helping to lift someone up.” “This is what we do at Catholic Charities”, Sister added.
Often the difference between an elderly or disabled person being able to stay comfortably in their own home or having to move is the ability to have their groceries delivered. In Somerset County, the Senior Shoppers of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen program is making that difference. To continue this valuable service to our elderly neighbors more volunteers are needed.
Left to Right, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen IT & Communications Administrator Tina Foley, Amboy Bank President & COO Stan Koreyva, Chief Retail Officer & EVP Gregory Scharpf, and Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton Program Director Richard Ferreira.
Volunteers for the Senior Shopper program deliver groceries to a senior in Somerset County. “I couldn’t do it without them,” Says Mrs. S. of the students of the New Road School who have shopped for her since early this year. “This is a wonderful program and it is also my pleasure to talk to the volunteers about their lives and share a little bit of myself.” Operated by Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen for the Somerset County Office on Aging, the Senior Shopper program currently serves 84 low and moderate income elderly or disabled people who otherwise could not remain in their homes and preserve their independence. Call 908-722-1881 to volunteer.
The room was full, and enthusiasm was high as volunteers for Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen gathered for a volunteer appreciation luncheon held at the Willows Restaurant & Catering in Asbury, NJ last month
Left to Right, Senior Shopper Volunteers Rich Grieshaber, Ann Donnelly, Ann Radner Back Row: Case Manager Lisa Troulis, Senior Shopper Volunteers, Roger Nation, Jim Dornbach, Bruce Keele, and Victor Viscomi, Volunteer Coordinator Bob Hurte
"I worked in our Phillipsburg thrift store last Saturday. Thankfully we were pretty busy with customers, and kind people dropping off donations. One woman in particular was very generous with her donations of her deceased husband’s clothing..."
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen staff gathered together on September 14, 2016 at the Forest Lodge in Warren, NJ to celebrate service, longevity, loyalty and excellence. Catholic Charities employs more than 400 people in the counties of Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren. ...
For a senior citizen, or a person with a disability, sometimes the difference between being able stay comfortably in your own home, or having to move to a facility or elsewhere, is simply having your food delivered. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen’ Senior Shoppers program is making...
SPRING CLEANING - Amid 25 bags of clothing, Tamara Hemingway of South Bound Brook celebrates the success of a clothing drive for Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, organized by Boston University Alumni in New Jersey. The Diocese has more than 40 donation drop-off locations throughout Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties.